From salmon recovery to regional land management plans, Cascadia has a long history of collaboration across spatial and temporal scales. Additionally, our region benefits from a a multitude of climate vulnerability assessments and climate adaptation plans already in development or underway as well as a network of deeply committed organizations and individuals working towards a resilient future. While the Cascadia Partner Forum directly produces some resources to inform our collective work towards a resilient future, this page aims to share links towards the many other resources that can be referenced and utilized.
Climate Adaptation Resources
Affiliated Tribes of Northwest Indians Climate Change Program
USDA Climate Hub: Climate Adaptation Resources for NW Forests
Climate Adaptation Policy and Commitments (relevant to Cascadia)
America the Beautiful: Work to Conserve at Least 30% of Lands and Waters by 2030 (2021)
Memorandum of Understanding Pacific Coast Temperate Forests (2018)
Washington Dept. of Fish and Wildlife Policy 5408: Addressing the Risks of Climate Change (2017)
Washington Department of Transportation Executive Order 1031 (2019)
Other Regional Landscape-scale Collaborations (within or adjacent to a portion of the Cascadia region)
Climate Adaptation Plans in Cascadia: Below are a list of plans developed or underway in Cascadia listed in alphabetical order. These are not products of the partner forum.
State or Provincial Scale:
British Columbia’s Climate Preparedness and Adaptation Strategy (2021)
Preparing for a Changing Climate: Washington State’s Integrated Climate Response Strategy (2012)
Safeguarding our Lands, Waters, and Communities: Washington DNR’s Plan for Climate Resilience (2020)
Local or regional scale:
Chelan County: County-wide climate resilience planning (underway)
Climate Adaptation Plan for the Territories of the Yakama Nation (2016)
Climate Adaptation Plan - City of Campbell River, BC (in development)
Climate Change Adapt - Lower Fraser Fisheries Alliance (2020-21)
Climate Change Adaptation Strategy - City of Vancouver, BC (2018)
Climate change vulnerability and adaptation in the North Cascades region, Washington (2014)
Forest and Water Climate Adaptation: A Plan for Whatcom County, Washington (2010)
King County Strategic Climate Action Plan (2015 Update)
Puyallup Tribe Climate Change Impact Assessment and Adaptation Options (2016)
Swinomish Climate Change Initiative: Climate Adaptation Action Plan (2010)
This is a living resource page, and we will continue adding resources to this page as we discover them.